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Cyber crisis prevention training

9 out of 10 cyber crises are only made possible by human error. Training managers and employees is therefore the top priority in cyber crisis prevention.

The Crunchtime cyber crisis prevention training sensitizes managers to the omnipresent cyber risks. Managers also receive materials to train their employees to raise awareness throughout the company.

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Johannes Fischer, Geschäftsführer Crunchtime Communications GmbH

Johannes Fischer

Managing Partner

Johannes Fischer focuses on crisis and restructuring communication as well as strategy implementation. He is particilarly passionate about team development and change management. Johannes teaches at the University of Hohenheim with a focus on crisis management and crisis communication.

Before Crunchtime, Johannes was a managing partner in a management consultancy for strategy and communication. Before that, he was head of global communications at a traditional German company.

He is a graduate communications scientist, has an MBA from ESMT Berlin, is a certified Scrum Master and Agile Culture Coach.

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